Throw a handful into the pot and bring to a boil.  You will get rid of a common problem without the chemical smell

Throw a handful into the pot and bring to a boil. You will get rid of a common problem without the chemical smell

Smaller and larger disasters happen at home. Some of them can be dealt with using products that we can buy in stores. However, this choice is not always the best and is not always necessary. We can deal with many problems by using what we already have at home. It’s cheaper and without inhaling stinking chemicals.

In stores we can buy hundreds of products for various home problems. Detergents for cleaning various surfaces, for laundry, and for special tasks such as difficult stains or burnt pots. However, these are often repulsive with their corrosive chemical smell, and what’s more, they can be really expensive. There are also various gadgets on the shelves, but even in their case you have to spend – sometimes a lot – of cash. Instead of going to the store, in many cases it is worth testing home remedies. Sometimes they work really effectively. Just like today’s recipe with a vegetable.

A burnt pot is a nightmare for even experienced cooks

Even the most experienced cook has burned a pot sometimes. Some people throw them into the garbage without even thinking about it. Others fight to save the vessel. We usually pour water and liquid over them and scrub them with a cloth. However, it is tiring work, the results of which are not necessarily satisfactory, and in addition, it sometimes happens that we damage the pot. Sometimes we smile at detergents. However, these can be really expensive and corrosive and incredibly irritating to the respiratory tract.

Burnt pot? Throw a handful inside and bring to a boil

There are plenty of tips on the Internet on how to get rid of common home problems. There are a lot of videos on Kamana Bhaskaran’s profile, in which she suggests how to deal with them. One of them is burnt pots. The author of the recording showed .

Put a handful into the pot and bring to a boil. You will get rid of a common problem without the chemical smell Put a handful into the pot and bring to a boil. You will get rid of a common problem without the chemical smell. Photo: Instagram / kamanabhaskaran

In a burnt pot, just cut a small onion (without peeling) and throw it inside with water and 1/4 cup of plain vinegar. Then cook the whole thing for 10 minutes or until the burnt layer begins to peel off. Then all you need to do is collect the burnt residue and clean the pot of its remains. No smelly chemicals and no scrubbing. The burnt pot will be just a memory.

Source: Gazeta

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