Take 15 PLN and go to KiK!  These are the best shoes for the spring/summer season.  Opportunities at eobuwa and CCC

Take 15 PLN and go to KiK! These are the best shoes for the spring/summer season. Opportunities at eobuwa and CCC

What shoes to choose for spring and summer! Definitely those in the style of the new model that came to KiK! They are light, universal and fit literally everything. Moreover, they only cost PLN 15! Opportunities for spring and summer footwear are also available on the eobuwie website and at CCC.

The time is slowly coming to take off the heavy boots and replace them with light, spring shoes. At KiK I found the perfect model for the upcoming season, which costs only PLN 15. It’s light, comfortable and goes with everything. Spring footwear deals are also available at eobuwa and CCC.

Light shoes from KiK are perfect for spring

Shoes from KiK are nothing more than light, white sneakers. Models in this style have been in spring trends for years, all thanks to their universality and multi-tasking.

White sneakers KiK

You can easily match them to a variety of outfits. They are perfect for everyday use and for work. Moreover, at KiK they cost only PLN 15. Considering their timelessness and use in costumes, such an opportunity is worth attention.

White sneakers are the perfect choice for the next season

The opportunity for white sports shoes is also available at eobiwa. I found a G-star model there, which was reduced by more than half the price. They have a classic, lace-up design with a thick sole, which you can adjust to your style and the shape of your foot.

White sneakersWhite sneakers eobuwie

Their huge advantage is the fact that are resistant to ever-changing trends. Having them in your wardrobe, you can be sure that they will serve you for many seasons to come.

How to style white sneakers?

When it comes to styling shoes in this style, nothing could be easier. They match both everyday outfits based on jeans and floral dresses. If you prefer a slightly more elegant style, they will perfectly complement your chic suit.

White sneakersWhite sneakers CCC

Vans sneakers from the CCC promotion will perfectly fit the needs of the occasion and will allow you to create countless outfits. You can now buy them at an attractive promotion of -38%.

Source: Gazeta

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