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The most attractive zodiac signs (and we are not talking only about beauty) and the characteristics of each one

Each sign has a prominent physical and psychological trait.

Each sign has a different talent. Some signs may be more attractive than others. Anyway, beauty is subjective. Furthermore, every human being has prejudices and expectations.

According to the zodiac, we are made to present particular physical aspects of ourselves. Here is a list, compiled by astrologer Sixto Piedrabuena, of what makes each sun sign attractive.

1. Pisces: the most beautiful zodiac sign

The sign of Pisces is the most beautiful due to its creativity and compassion for others. Pisces are said to have the most beautiful feet and toes.

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2. Virgo: the most charming zodiac sign

Virgo have a knack for words that make them more charming to those around them, making these people naturally attractive.

3. Leo: the most attractive zodiac sign

Leo rules the heart, and the heart is in the chest. And that means that some of the most beautiful breasts and pecs out there can be found in Leo.

4. Aries: the most daring zodiac sign

Being that Aries rules the head, you are likely to see a pleasant, full-faced beauty here, in all features.

5. Libra: the most delicate zodiac sign

Libra has a delicate beauty to them with their fairness and diplomatic nature. For physical beauty, her back is said to be very attractive.

6. Taurus: the most hidden zodiac sign

Taurus is a hidden beauty. Her personality traits of cuteness and sensuality are something one has to dig into to discover in her personality.

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7. Sagittarius: the most striking zodiac sign

Sagittarius spontaneity is fun and engaging. Sagittarius is known for his beautiful thighs, he knows how to wear them.

8. Gemini: the most beloved zodiac sign

Whether he is walking down the street or swimming, you will notice Gemini’s arms. Usually one of his attractive features, there is something very pretty about his arms and muscles.

9. Scorpio: the sexiest zodiac sign

Scorpio’s determination and assertiveness make this zodiac sign the sexiest.

10. Cancer: the most charming zodiac sign

Cancer is the most loyal person you will ever meet and totally devoted to his family.

11. Capricorn: more subtle zodiac sign

While Sagittarius ranks first in pretty thighs, Capricorn is the winner of the leg contest.

12. Aquarius: the most specialized zodiac sign

They have a lot of charm. Also, not everyone is blessed with pretty ankles, Aquarians sport very pretty ankles and women look great with skirts and dresses. For men, with fisherman-type pants. (E)

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