“I didn’t expect such a visit.”  What will it be like with Christmas this year?  “I don’t open the door to salespeople”

“I didn’t expect such a visit.” What will it be like with Christmas this year? “I don’t open the door to salespeople”

Will Poles welcome a priest after Christmas this year? Opinions on this subject – as usual – are divided. “We don’t let them in. They watch how people live or work and wait for an envelope with money,” Internet users write under our question. But not everyone has this approach. “We always accept, there has never been a situation where a priest behaved inappropriately,” we read in one of the answers.

Advent begins soon in the Catholic Church. For believers, this is a period reminiscent of waiting for the birth of Jesus Christ. It will last from the Sunday preceding the three consecutive Sundays before Christmas. It ends on Christmas Eve, at dusk. Right after Christmas, the so-called Christmas carol – priests visit their parishioners in their homes to talk, say a prayer together and – at the same time – collect donations for various matters related to the parish (e.g. renovation of the temple).

The elements of the ritual remain unchanged. Traditionally, a white tablecloth is waiting for the priest on the table. Residents put holy water, a sprinkler and a cross. According to custom, the priest first blesses the house and then says a prayer to bless the apartment. Then he moves on to talking to the household about everyday matters. The visit usually ends with the acceptance of a monetary donation in an envelope.

Christmas carol in Polish homes. “The priest took out a notebook with a table”

This topic raises controversy every year, especially since pastors’ visits to homes often involve unforeseen, uncomfortable situations. We often receive a lot of messages from you on this matter. One of the readers wrote, for example, that a priest from her parish decided to visit the faithful in December. The other parishioners who heard this message during mass did not like it either. “I was shocked, but as it quickly turned out, I wasn’t the only one, because after his words, chaos broke out in the church. People started arguing with each other and it was obvious that they didn’t like the priest’s idea,” the reader said.

Still another one mentioned that during a pastoral visit the priest asked for 2 envelopes. But that wasn’t what shocked her the most. “What surprised me the most, however, was a large notebook with a table. In it there was a division into church fees and donations for the priest. I remember that the parish priest opened both envelopes and entered specific amounts next to the names in the table,” we could read in her message.

Some time ago, we asked our readers whether they would let in a priest walking Christmas carols this year. There were plenty of answers, and Internet users’ opinions were clearly divided. There was no shortage of harsh words. “I don’t open the door to salespeople,” replies one of the Internet users. “Never in my life!!!!!!!” – another person swears. “Who normal lets a thief into their home? A thief who preys on the harm of elderly people and children? It’s a bit scary,” says another commenter. There are also other attitudes: “I accept, but I don’t give the envelope,” we read in one of the entries.

No, I haven’t taken it for many years…

We don’t let people in. They watch how people live or work and wait for an envelope with money

I don’t let in salespeople, Jehovah’s witnesses and shamans from the KK sect (Catholic Church – ed.)

I don’t accept it

We have to invite the priest and then he comes. And why should he come every year?

Not in 2022, I’m wondering now too… all because of the change of the parish priest

I haven’t accepted anything for 17 years

He came once. He didn’t want to sing carols, he just pushed some pictures. He doesn’t come anymore

I would let in a priest coming on a pastoral visit. Unfortunately, there are only peddlers walking around looking for an envelope

If someone wants to tease me and ask uncomfortable questions, I let them in and they usually run away quickly after the second question. Of course, there is an appropriate note in the file and I have to wait for further questions until I move somewhere because then they ignore me.

– you can read in selected comments.

Will Poles receive a priest after Christmas carols this year? “No spin, it’s tradition”

But not everyone is of the same opinion. Many Internet users said that – just like every year – they intended to let in the pastor who was visiting the houses of the faithful. For various reasons. For some it is a deep attachment to faith, for others it is simply tradition. “I accept it because I am Catholic and I believe that a priest is only an intermediary, and through him God comes with blessings,” said one of the Internet users.

I always accept and this year will be the same

I accept it every year. And I will always accept

I accept and will continue to do so

I’ll accept it if I don’t miss it. Relaxed. Keep calm. Tradition

I always accept. Prayer. Short conversation. Traditionally

We always accept, there has never been a situation where the priest behaved inappropriately, so I don’t want to believe in some made-up story that the priest demanded anything.

– write Facebook users.

Sources: Woman.gazeta.pl/Facebook

Source: Gazeta

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