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The doctor named sports that help lower blood pressure

The doctor named sports that help lower blood pressure

Doctor Vidyaskin said that swimming and yoga help reduce blood pressure

Therapist Igor Vidyaskin named sports that help lower blood pressure. His words are quoted by

Vidyaskin said regular exercise, such as walking, swimming, cycling or yoga, can help lower blood pressure. He emphasized the need to engage in physical activity for 30 minutes a day.

The expert also added that relaxing practices can reduce blood pressure: yoga or massage, meditation, deep breathing. In addition, he urged to avoid drinking alcohol and not smoking, as ethyl alcohol and nicotine contained in cigarettes can increase blood pressure.

On August 11, Men Today journalists named the best exercise for lowering blood pressure. The secret lies in performing the “Chinese chair”, for which you need to tense your abdominal muscles and slide down the wall until your thighs are parallel to the floor.

Source: Lenta

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