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Did you find the giraffe in the picture?  Fun is not easy.  Only 1 percent of people will see it

Did you find the giraffe in the picture? Fun is not easy. Only 1 percent of people will see it

Image tests are very popular on the web. While some are used to learn about our personality traits, others practice perceptiveness and bring a lot of satisfaction. Do you see the giraffe in the picture? At first glance, only a few see it.

If you think you’re a master of picture games and solving optical illusions, check out what we’ve prepared this time. According to the creator on , who shared the drawing, only a few people will be able to see a giraffe in the picture pattern. How to do it?

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Can you see the giraffe in the picture? Tiktoker explained how to find it

Tiktoker @jack.sglt some time ago published a video in which he presented an optical illusion. You can see a green-yellow, slightly leafy pattern, which at first glance does not resemble anything at all.

The best optical illusion I’ve ever seen in my life. do you see the giraffe?

the tiktoker asked. Although at first glance the illusion seems to be just some green pattern, Jack included instructions on what to do in the commentary to the video. It turns out that it is enough to look at the phone on which the picture is located and focus your eyes on what is behind the device. This will make the giraffe “pop out” of your phone. Another method is to put your nose to the screen and slowly move your head away. Some say that only 1% of the population is able to see a giraffe in such an illusion. Do you belong to this group?

Internet users shared their thoughts in the comments. “Looks like a 3D picture”

Under the tiktoker recording, there were several comments from Internet users interested in the illusion. While some said that solving the puzzle is very easy, others shared with the rest of the people a trick to spot the giraffe.

Easy. It was very popular in the early 90s (yes, I’m old). I could always see them without any trouble.

I found it looks like a 3D image.

Really cool… put your nose to the screen, don’t focus and slowly back away.

Source: Gazeta

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