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He has a deformed face.  His parents abandoned him 36 hours after he was born.  “They didn’t feel a connection with him”

He has a deformed face. His parents abandoned him 36 hours after he was born. “They didn’t feel a connection with him”

Jono Lancaster was born with a rare disease that significantly deformed his face during the fetal period. Due to his condition, he struggled with numerous problems in his life, and today he shows children in a similar situation that it is worth fighting for yourself and your dreams.

Jono Lancaster has not had an easy life since he was born. First, he was abandoned by his biological parents, and later he struggled with loneliness among his peers. All because of genetic, which significantly deformed his face already in the fetal period. Today, Jono is an inspiration to children who have suffered a similar fate.

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He was born with a rare disease. His biological parents abandoned him right after he was born

Jono Lancaster was born with Treacher Collins Syndrome, a rare condition that leaves him with no cheekbones, a deformed jaw, and what he describes as “Bart Simpson’s ears”, which make him need a hearing aid. Treacher Collins syndrome is also called mandibular-facial dysostosis. This rare genetic disease is diagnosed at birth.

As a child, Jono tried to rationalize why his biological parents had rejected him. He was trying to come to terms with what he looked like and what had happened to him. However, when he was 24, he received a , which dispelled his doubts.

Both parents were horrified by the appearance of the child and did not feel a bond with him. The parents left the hospital 36 hours after the birth, leaving the baby behind.

Jono Lancaster, however, was quickly taken care of. In the book Not All Heroes Wear Capes, he described how it happened that his adoptive mother decided to take care of him.

I was two weeks old when she took care of me and five when she adopted me. During this period, she took care of other children with various disabilities.

Jono was shunned by his peers. Today, she inspires children and has her own foundation

Jono does not hide that his relationships with peers were not successful. As a child, he was made fun of because of how he looks. This significantly affected his self-esteem, although in the meantime he underwent numerous surgeries to improve his appearance. “When I started growing up and everyone around me started getting into relationships, I felt like an outcast because no one wanted me. Then I hated my face he admitted in a podcast. However, everything changed when a barmaid asked him out on a date. This buoyed Jono, who recalled their first kiss. “That’s when I went from feeling like I couldn’t be loved to thinking I was the handsomest guy in the world,” he said.

Today, Jono hosts Love Me, Love My Face and visits schools to tell his story to children. His organization supports children born with congenital defects, among others, by financing medical treatments. Jono has experienced the loneliness of being dropped off due to illness himself, so he does his best to ensure that children in similar situations can get the support they need. She wants to show them that someone similar to them can also develop, have a great job and a partner.

Source: Gazeta

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