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What’s the weather for Easter 2023?  Forecasters warn.  Storms and even 3 degrees on thermometers

What’s the weather for Easter 2023? Forecasters warn. Storms and even 3 degrees on thermometers

What’s the weather like for Easter? Although there is still some time left to Christmas, the first preliminary forecasts have appeared, which do not make us optimistic. Everything indicates that we will have to wait for the real spring, and Easter will be held in rainy weather.

Although the calendar spring has just begun, and it was really warm for a few days, now the truly winter aura has returned. The saying “in March like in a pot” is almost one hundred percent true. What weather do forecasters predict for the upcoming holidays, which fall on April 9 and 10? Preliminary predictions have been made.

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The next few days are a mish-mash of weather. What’s the weather like for Easter?

This week we are in for a weather rollercoaster. Although only a few days ago we enjoyed exceptionally warm spring weather, now it has cooled significantly, and with it rain and snow. According to IMGW, from Wednesday will be warmer again, but only slightly. We can expect up to 10 degrees in the southwest and -1 ° C in Podhale. On Thursday and Friday, the temperature may rise from 2-6 to even 14 degrees, The weekend will see another cooldown, but this time much less violent — on Saturday to 10-12 degrees, and on Sunday to 7-8 ° C. Preliminary forecasts for the weather for Easter have also appeared. How do they look?

What’s the weather for Easter 2023? It’s getting cold

According to the synoptic from Artur Chrzanowski, v Holy Saturday (April 8) we can expect a lot of clouds and rain . It will be the warmest in the south-east, where the temperature will be up to 11 degrees Celsius, while the coldest in the north-east will be up to 8 degrees Celsius. The temperature in the center will not exceed 11 degrees.

April 9 looks a bit worse, and cooler, as the temperature will range from 6 degrees in Podlasie and Suwałki Region to only 10°C in Podkarpacie. In the center it will not exceed 8°C. What’s more, the day will be equally cloudy and rainy, and there may even be thunderstorms in the south.

Śmigus Dyngus lovers will not be pleased with the initial forecast for Monday (April 10), which will also be cool, cloudy and rainy. In the center, thermometers will indicate a maximum of 6 degrees Celsius, while in the south-east to 9 degrees. It will be the coldest in the north-eastern regions, where the temperature will be only up to 3 ° C.

Similar preliminary forecasts were also presented by IMGW. Everything indicates that we will have to wait for the real one. Remember, however, that long-term forecasts are preliminary and may change.

Source: Gazeta

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