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When to sow sorrel?  You can collect the first leaves in 2 months!  Don’t miss the deadline

When to sow sorrel? You can collect the first leaves in 2 months! Don’t miss the deadline

When to sow sorrel? It turns out that one of the two dates is approaching, so it is worth considering the cultivation of this healthy plant. Few people realize that it does not have many requirements, and in addition it is perennial, once sown it will abound in crops every year.

Few people decide to sow common sorrel, but it is worth changing. The plant used to be very popular, but some time ago many people forgot about it. It is worth paying attention to its cultivation, because it is not complicated or time-consuming. Sorrel contains many vitamins from group A, B and C as well as potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, iron, sodium, folic acid, protein and fibre. Regular consumption improves appetite, liver function, inhibits diarrhea and stimulates digestion. The plant is also bactericidal and fungicidal. When and how to sow sorrel?

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When to sow sorrel? Choose one of the two dates

Sowing sorrel can be carried out both early (in March and April) and in summer (in August). If you choose an earlier date, you will be able to harvest the first crop after 2-3 months. Harvest throughout the season, cutting off the youngest leaves. Sowing sorrel in the summer will mean that it won’t be ready until April or May of the following year, depending on the weather. It turns out that the cultivation is not complicated, because the plant does not freeze and does not have many requirements. If you plant it once, it will grow for many years, so it is worth considering carefully where you want it to grow. After 3-4 years, the sorrel can be propagated by dividing the clumps.

How to sow sorrel? Do it this way and the harvest will be bountiful every year

It is worth sowing sorrel at a depth of about 1 cm. This should be done directly into the ground – in rows about 20-30 cm apart. The plant will develop in the shade, partial shade or sun, but in the latter case, in the event of drought, it requires regular watering, which will keep the leaves juicy. It is also worth paying attention to the soil requirements, which are not large. Sorrel likes humus, fertile and full of nitrogen substrate with a slightly acidic pH.

Source: Gazeta

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