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The ECB raises interest rates by half a percentage point, to 3.5%

The ECB raises interest rates by half a percentage point, to 3.5%

The ECB raises interest rates by half a percentage point, to 3.5%

The decision comes after the Swiss National Bank confirms that it will give Credit Suisse the 50.6 billion euros it needs to “strengthen its liquidity.”

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  • Euskaraz irakurri

Euskaraz irakurri: Interest rates puntu erdi igo ditu Europako Banku Zentralak, % 3.5eraino

The European Central Bank (ECB) has raised interest rates again this Thursday by half a percentage point, up to 3.5%, despite the Credit Suisse crisis and the banking panic generated in the financial system throughout Europe. The euro area banking sector is, in the ECB’s view, resilient and has strong capital and liquidity positions.

This is the sixth consecutive rise in the price of money, which reached its highest level at the end of 2008.

It has also increased the credit facility, which lends to banks overnight, by 50 basis points, up to 3.75%, and the deposit facility, which remunerates excess reserves overnight, up to 3 %.

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Source: Eitb

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