Jamil Faour, Participant of the fourth season MasterChef Ecuador, On social media, he was honest in letting his followers know that he is mentally ill. The amateur chef also said that he was going out Mare Cevallos and that they both have a personality disorder.

“People don’t need to know you have a condition. I talked about my ADHD (Attention deficit and hyperactivity) privately and behind my back began to say that I was crazy.” Jamil wrote in a tweet, accompanied by a thread in which he gave more details about his condition.

“Having a personality disorder is dangerous, I’m dating Mare Cevallos and she has it,” he added, admitting that he maintains a relationship with a former contestant The power of love.

Jamil emphasized that mental health should not be laughed at or condemned. “We are so used to demonizing mental illnesses that we don’t realize that one of our loved ones can have it without even being aware of it. We quickly assess that we are ignorant of the subject”He said.

“It’s impressive how they use it as a weapon to say that someone is “bad”, “not worth it” or “harmful”. It’s not like this”he added.

He said that since he met Cevallos, she told him she had borderline personality disorder (BPD). “She lives a normal life, treats her medications responsibly and goes to therapy because she is aware that the diagnosis does not define her,” express.

“There are many “non-sick” people who go through life as horrible creatures, with no intention of improving or being aware of their actions. I prefer a “lunatic” who struggles day by day to be better, than a comfortable “rope” with a bad heart.

Check out this post on Instagram

A post shared by Jamil Faour (@jamilfaour)

He confirmed that he learned more about this disease thanks to Cevallos. “I am very sorry that in the past you were mistreated or singled out because of your illness. Not me. No one should do that. No one has to “diagnose” anyone. Even worse if you don’t check yourself first.” concluded.

Mostly his followers left him messages about Apollo. “It is impossible not to cry, for more men like you who fill us with security and life, you won the hearts of many without being delighted. You two are blessed in this so beautiful happening,” the user wrote.

Meanwhile, other users shared that they have a relative with a mental health problem. “Empathy is the right word, I have a son with autism and I would not like him to be discriminated against or insulted as an adult, just because of a different condition or because he doesn’t “get it”, said the user.