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What vitamins for hair loss?  Include these products in your diet and you will strengthen and thicken your strands

What vitamins for hair loss? Include these products in your diet and you will strengthen and thicken your strands

Hair loss is a problem faced by many women. How to fix it? Vitamins and diet play an important role in the condition of our hairstyle. We suggest what vitamin is missing in our body when hair falls out and what products we should consume to strengthen the strands.

When when combing or washing your hair you see that there are less and less of them, and the strands become visibly thinner, it’s a sign to change something. Poor diet, lack of sufficient amounts of vitamins and nutrients make our hair weaken and eventually fall out. How to avoid it?

Why do hair fall out? There may be several reasons

Of course, there are many reasons for hair loss. It happens that for genetic reasons our hair is thin and brittle, making it almost impossible to grow a long hairstyle. However, when we enjoyed a thick head of hair and suddenly ours thinned out, it is a disturbing symptom. Chronic stress, poor diet, diseases, hormonal problems and improper care have an impact on hair loss. In many cases, the first step to improving our hairstyle will be to change our eating habits. What vitamins are missing when hair falls out?

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Hair loss vitamins. What to eat when hair comes out?

If you face the problem of hair loss, it is worth paying attention to the deficiency of some vitamins that have a direct impact on the condition of our hairstyle.

  • Biotin, or vitamin B7, supports the condition of the skin, and its deficiency leads to brittle nails, hair loss or rapid graying. We find it in egg yolks, meat, carrots and spinach.
  • Vitamin C is responsible for the absorption of iron needed by red blood cells to transport oxygen. Low iron levels can cause excessive hair loss. Iron can be found in red meat or legumes, and vitamin C in citrus fruits and leafy vegetables.
  • Zinc is involved in the formation of proteins in cells, including hair. Low zinc levels result in hair loss. This ingredient can be found in meat, beans or nuts.

Source: Gazeta

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