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Add one ingredient to scrambled eggs and you won’t regret it.  It will make it fluffy and perfectly creamy

Add one ingredient to scrambled eggs and you won’t regret it. It will make it fluffy and perfectly creamy

Scrambled eggs are not only delicious, but also a healthy way to start the day. However, a simple dish can be improved without much effort. There are several ways to make it perfectly creamy and get additional taste accents. Meet for a tasty and quick breakfast.

Add a tablespoon of this product to scrambled eggs. This will make it perfectly fluffy

Sometimes when scrambled eggs are fried, the meal can become dry. What to do to always have the perfect consistency? Just add one and it will become perfectly creamy. It is mayonnaise. As you know, the sauce goes perfectly with eggs. It is best to add it about halfway through frying. Stir the scrambled eggs thoroughly with the unusual addition, then fry it on low heat. Thanks to the high fat content, mayonnaise will give the meal a perfect consistency.

Another even more unusual method for fluffy scrambled eggs is… lemon juice. Just a few drops will make it creamy and get a sour aftertaste. Thanks to them, the eggs will not curdle as quickly as usual, which will guarantee the perfect consistency of the meal. Of course, do not overdo it with the sour addition, so as not to spoil the natural taste of scrambled eggs.

Scrambled eggs as in the picture. One product is enough

Another proven method for thick and fluffy scrambled eggs is to add cheese to it. Grate the parmesan, mozzarella or gouda, then sprinkle the shavings into the frying meal. The melted dairy will combine the curd eggs with the rest of the ingredients, making it creamy. The addition fits virtually any dish recipe. Don’t be afraid to throw a few spoons of grated cheese into your breakfast hit, and you will certainly appreciate its taste.

Source: Gazeta

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