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Elective program “Team Todenhöfer”: regulars’ table for teetotalers

Texts also have a history of origin. They are interwoven in sources and in forms of expression. Your sentence structure can be complicated or ingeniously simple. In the search for patterns for the suggestive tone, one might come across a famous novel by the French author Louis-Ferdinand Céline, who with his sentence cascades had found an “emotive metro” that hunts forwards underground and, if necessary, emerges from autosuggestive power, where the tracks end, continue milling through the terrain. Céline’s novel “Journey to the End of the Night” is a text pattern that is reminiscent of the tone of the “Team Todenhöfer”. There are three more that you probably have to look for first, but you can adapt something even if you don’t know. On the one hand there would be Loriot’s speech in the Bundestag, then “The speech” by the Swiss author Franz Hohler and finally Kurt Tucholsky’s “Speech by an older but slightly drunk gentleman”. The main thing is that the text rushes forward, and if something gets in its way (logic, sense or reason), such obstacles are simply bypassed.

Team Todi, as one can abbreviate the accepted diminutive of the new formation, does not hesitate long with its intentions. Mankind, insofar as it lives within the current borders of Germany, should be made happy, but something else has to give way, namely rambazamba.

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Hans Hütt, born in 1953, is an essayist and speechwriter. Most recently, his book “Wilde Jahre, kühne Träume. Language in the course of time” was published by Dudenverlag. In loose succession, Hütt looks at the language of the party programs for the federal election in September.

Woe to anyone who stands in the way of Team Todi: “Politics without values ​​is a night flight without a compass”

The style of the election manifesto finds another neighborhood in the format of Ash Wednesday speeches. In this case, however, it is aimed at teetotalers who do not want to get drunk senseless, but prefer to get intoxicated by nonsense. The best way to delight them is to bark the text. This is the only way to recognize that behind the intoxicating promise of happiness there is hidden a nameless desolation that overshadows the life of the author of the election program because he intends nothing less than to save the whole world if it complies with his ideas. “We believe that the best is still ahead of us. We want more competent, fairer, more honest politics. We want to realize the dream of a better world.”

This is what merciless optimism sounds like. Woe to whoever stands in the way of Team Todi. “Politics without values ​​is a night flight without a compass. We are promoting a non-violent, humanitarian revolution. A revolution of humanity and common sense.”

At the latest here, when common sense is the basis of appeal for Team Todi to clear out or lock up those who do not have it, one could recall a statement by Herbert Wehner, who said of Todenhöfer: “This man is ripe for the mental hospital. ” Team Todi has a nickname: it is “the justice party”. If you were to pronounce the word with Todenhöfer’s quietly preserved Alemannic sound, it would be called “the Gerächtigkeitspartei”.

Here an 80-year-old man takes his revenge on a political culture that only accepted him as a confused outsider. Who would deny that Todenhöfer has seen a lot of the world, taken some risks and survived deadly dangers. He has adapted a style that is familiar from the political culture of the Arab world: the embracing insult, the toasting while the guns are unlocked under the table.

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