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When to plant tulips?  If you do it on this date, the flowers will bloom beautifully in the spring

When to plant tulips? If you do it on this date, the flowers will bloom beautifully in the spring

Tulips are a real symbol of spring. The flowers bloom only for a short period in late March and early April. For this reason, you should remember about the basic rules of care for these plants. When to plant tulips for lush bloom? Get the best advice.

When to plant tulips? This date works best

The best time to plant tulips is before winter. Young seedlings planted later than October may not survive the cold conditions of the following months. For this reason, it is recommended to do it in early autumn, preferably in September. Also remember to provide the plants with the right conditions. The soil in which you plant them should not be too dry or too wet. Thanks to this, the young ones will adapt well and will not be susceptible to diseases. Tulips should be planted on a sunny but relatively cool day. However, if you do not plant tulips until February, they also have a good chance of blooming in spring.

Planting tulips step by step. In this way, you will take care of the health of the plants

The key point when planting tulips is finding the right place. Plants develop best on a slightly sunny surface. Growing them in partial shade is also a good idea. Before planting flowers, thoroughly clean the selected area beforehand. Remove any weeds, stones, etc. from it. Then dig holes 15 to 20 cm deep in the ground. Remember to keep at least a dozen or so centimeters of space between each seedling.

Seedlings should be planted with the pointed tip up. Don’t forget to gently sprinkle them with soil – young plants must not tilt. Once the flowers are completely covered with soil, gently water them. Do not water the plants until they bloom. The autumn weather should provide them with enough water.

Source: Gazeta

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