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Celebrity names that can cause a lot of trouble.  Most pronounce them wrong

Celebrity names that can cause a lot of trouble. Most pronounce them wrong

It has been known for a long time that the Polish language causes many difficulties for people from abroad, and misspelling the names of our native stars is almost everyday. Poles also face similar problems. We checked which names among famous people are the most complicated and prepared a hint on how to pronounce them correctly.

You’re probably pronouncing these names wrong. Check their correct spelling

The name of the actor playing Lord Voldemort, Ralph Fiennes, is often mispronounced. The star of the Harry Potter series has probably heard every possible version, but the closest to the correct pronunciation is “Fajns”.

Although Jake Gyllenhaal has many excellent roles in interesting productions, his Swedish name is almost always pronounced incorrectly. Many read it as “Gaylen-hol”, but the pronunciation is not even close to the correct one. In Swedish it is “Jilen-hajla” and in English the correct form is “Dżilen-hol”.

When he won an Oscar for his role in “Joker”, a lot of material about him appeared on the web. Then it turned out that both his name and surname are quite a challenge. Each person who uttered them presented a slightly different form than their predecessors. However, the only correct pronunciation is “Łakin Finiks” or “Hoakin” with a Spanish accent.

Names whose pronunciation causes trouble. Check the correct form

This character probably needs no introduction. Steve Buscemi is one of the most characteristic actors, and the role in the series “Boardwalk Empire” is still considered one of the best in his career. It turns out that his name is quite a challenge for many. In Italy it is read as “Buszemi” and in other places in the world the form “Buszemi” is popular. In turn, the actor himself says that the correct version is “Busemi”.

Although she has been present in show business from an early age, her name is often mispronounced. The version that has caught on among fans is “Lind-zi Lol-hen”. However, the actress decided to give a little lesson in correct pronunciation and published a video on her TikTok in which she says what the correct version is. In her opinion, it should be “Lol-en”.

is one of the most influential American directors in the history of cinema. Although the Oscar winner for The Departed is known around the world, his name has been misread for years. The most common pronunciation is “Skorsejzi”, while the correct spelling is simply “Skorsesi”.

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Source: Gazeta

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