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Make up your eyebrows with soap and achieve a professional effect that will make them look thicker and more abundant.

Make up your eyebrows with soap and achieve a professional effect that will make them look thicker and more abundant.

The eyebrows are considered a frame, the shape and thickness of which modify the appearance of the face. It is for this reason that the techniques to fix these hairs have evolved over centuries, the current trend being to comb them with soap.

This strategy that was born on social networks like Instagram or TikTok allows the eyebrows to look thick, abundant and totally natural without the need to fill in with color.

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According to Mejor con Salud, the ideal is to use an odorless and colorless glycerin-based soap to avoid possible irritation or eye discomfort, due to the mixture of cosmetic products and sweat.

You may also need to use a tweezer or a flat brush to fill in any gaps. Photo: Pexels

How to make up eyebrows with soap?

To start this technique, you must arm yourself with a glycerin soap and a special brush that can be included with the soap or you can use a mascara or toothbrush that you no longer use and have previously sanitized.

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  1. Moisten: You can use a tonic, such as rose water, or there common to moisten your brush and the bar of soap, which you should rub until they produce foam.
  2. Comb: Distribute the product for each hair passing the brush over the eyebrows from top to bottom and in the opposite direction of growth. Then you comb them and give them the shape you want.
  3. Press: Once you have obtained the desired shape, wait five minutes for the product to dry and, after this time, press the hairs so that each one stays in place.
  4. Wipe: remove with another wet brush any trace of glycerin that has remained.
If you consider that there are many empty spaces in your eyebrows, you can paint your hair.

Tips for soap brows

  • Remember that any unhygienic instrument you use could harm the health of facial skin. Be sure to keep each utensil clean.
  • If you consider that there are many empty spaces in your eyebrows, you can paint your hair with the help of gel or shadow, the soap will not drag the product.
  • Always remove make-up from the area with micellar water or make-up remover cream and moisturize with serum to avoid dryness.


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Source: Eluniverso

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