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It costs PLN 3 and will fight moisture on the windows.  A simple and effective method

It costs PLN 3 and will fight moisture on the windows. A simple and effective method

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Moisture that appears on windows and window sills should not be underestimated. Its long-term presence can cause the occurrence of mold or fungi, which are very harmful to our health. To combat it, you can buy chemical preparations from the drugstore, but you can also try a homemade ingredient that will be in the kitchen of many housewives.

Salt will help fight moisture. A trivial trick

We are talking about salt, which thanks to its properties will absorb excess moisture deposited on windows and window sills. It is enough to sprinkle a few teaspoons of the product on gauze or bandage, and then roll the whole thing up. Now we need to place our homemade moisture absorber in the place of its occurrence, and when we see that the salt has dissolved, we need to repeat the whole process.

An alternative to the mentioned product can be ordinary chalk. With the help of adhesive tape, you can roll up a few pieces and put them as close to the window or on the windowsill as possible. The methods will certainly work better when we regularly ventilate and dry the room, which will ensure proper air circulation.

Another method for damp windows. Simple and effective

If we don’t like the chalk and salt, we can try another patent using white vinegar. In a small bowl, mix vinegar and water in a 1:1 ratio, and then pour the resulting mixture into the window cleaner dispenser. Finally, all you need to do is spray the liquid on damp spots and after a few minutes wipe with a soft cloth or paper towel.

Source: Gazeta

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