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Not winning millions at all.  The professor reveals 4 things that make people happy

Not winning millions at all. The professor reveals 4 things that make people happy

Sanjiv Chopra is a best-selling author and a well-known motivational speaker whose lectures cover topics such as: topics of leadership, healthy living and medicine. – Won $20 million. winning the lottery won’t make you happier. Studies have shown that lottery winners return to their starting level after one year. Some are even less happy,’ he said at TEDx Talk, disagreeing that money and material wealth are responsible for our happiness. So what is the key to happiness according to him?

Surround yourself with family and “properly chosen” friends

Prof. Chopra believes that family and friends are the foundation of happiness, and that developing close relationships with people is essential to your well-being. That’s why it’s so important to have at least a few close people around you. “Choose your friends wisely and celebrate all that is small and good with them,” says Sanjiv Chopra.


Many people have hated or resented certain people over the years. This is a big mistake that prevents you from being truly happy. According to the expert, forgiveness “releases the burden of hatred and other unhealthy emotions that can negatively affect happiness.”

Share what you have

It is not only about money, but also time, which is the most valuable currency of today. By helping others, participating in collections or getting involved in the activities of charity organizations, we relieve the stress of everyday life and improve our mood.


In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, we rarely think about gratitude. Moreover, many people underestimate and cannot be grateful for what they have. “If you don’t know the language of gratitude, you’ll never be able to talk to happiness,” said Prof. Chopra during his speech. Gratitude is the key to happiness. Not the other way around. So learn to be grateful for life, health, work, loved ones, opportunities … And think what you would wake up with tomorrow if you only had what you are grateful for today?

Source: Gazeta

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