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Moquegua: SNI demands attention from the State in conflict with Southern mine

Moquegua: SNI demands attention from the State in conflict with Southern mine

The National Society of Industries (SNI) demanded the attention of the State before the seizure of the reservoir that supplies the camp of the Cuajone mine and other measures of struggle carried out by the peasant communities of Tumilaca, Pocata, Coscore and Tala, in Moquegua.

The union rejected the measure adopted by the protesters, since the water cut harms 5,000 residents of the camp, including workers and their families, and also affects the operations of the mine.

“We demand that the State immediately address this serious situation, applying the necessary measures to restore the right to drinking water for thousands of compatriots; in addition to calling for a technical dialogue to avoid similar episodes,” says SNI in a statement.

Likewise, regarding the blockade of the railway, which prevents the transport of copper production to the port of Ilo, the SNI indicates that the operation of the mine is seriously affected and more than 2,000 direct jobs are put at serious risk in this zone.

“Cuajone, which represents 7% of copper production nationwide, is failing to export US$4.8 million daily, which has a negative impact on the mining canon and other taxes that the company contributes,” the statement details.

The reason for the protest against southern company is that, according to the community members, the mining company occupies land that belongs to them. The protesters request the presence of the prime minister, Aníbal Torres Vásquez.

Source: Larepublica

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