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They will extend deadlines to reschedule credits in FAE-Mype and FAE-Tourism

They will extend deadlines to reschedule credits in FAE-Mype and FAE-Tourism

FAE-Mype and FAE-Turismo credits will be reprogrammed and strengthened in order to help sectors that have not yet recovered after the second year of the pandemic, according to the president peter castle.

“We will work to improve the conditions and access for the delivery of an additional 400 million soles in guaranteed credits to tourist mypes, through the FAE-Tourism, extending the payment period, up to one more year, of the credits assumed until 2021 by mypes that have registered less than 40% in sales in relation to 2019, “he explained.

In addition, he stressed that the national strategy for the reactivation of tourism from 2022 to 2025 will be approved, with which joint work between the public and private sectors will be promoted.

In this sense, he emphasized that they will implement the Tourism Emprende program as a new executing unit of the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism (Mincetur) with more than S / 50 million per year in non-refundable subsidies.

“To address the over-indebtedness and credit deterioration of many companies and families due to the pandemic, I announce that State guarantees will be provided for flexible refinancing schemes for consumer loans and mypes, with longer payment terms and lower financing rates and preferential,” he added.

Source: Larepublica

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