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Osiptel ratifies fine for more than S / 1.5 million to Claro and Telefónica

Osiptel ratifies fine for more than S / 1.5 million to Claro and Telefónica

The Supervisory Body for Private Investment in Telecommunications (Osiptel) ratified a set of fines for a total of S/ 1,545,830 (336.05 UIT) to Claro and Telefónica for the commission of very serious and serious offenses, respectively.

Pursuant to Board of Directors Resolution No. 037-2022-CD/Osiptel, declares the Appeal filed by América Móvil against Resolution No. 166-2021-GG/Osiptel partially founded and, consequently, modifies the fine of 257.78 UIT to 171.85 UIT, for the commission of the very serious offense typified in article 28 of the RFIS, due to non-compliance with the provisions of article 1 of the Precautionary Measure imposed with Resolution No. 514 -2019-GSF/Osiptel.

Similarly, according to Board of Directors Resolution No. 042-2022-CD/Osiptel, the agency declares the appeal filed by Telefónica del Perú against Resolution No. 453-2021-GG/Osiptel unfounded; and, consequently, confirms the fine of 51 UIT for having failed to comply with the corrective measure imposed in article 4 of Resolution No. 162-2017-GG/Osiptel, as well as the fine of 113.20 UIT for having delivered information outside the established deadline.

Source: Larepublica

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