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Mincetur seeks to regulate online games and betting to raise tax revenue

Mincetur seeks to regulate online games and betting to raise tax revenue

the owner of the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism (Mincetur)Roberto Sánchez, announced this Wednesday that his portfolio promotes a bill to regulate online sports betting and gaminggiven that there are local and foreign companies with foreign permits that operate without benefiting society.

In this line, Sánchez recalled that during 2020 this item moved S / 4,500 million, with an approximate of 150,000 daily bets.

However, he pointed out that it is an activity not regulated by the State and that it evades taxes, in addition to the fact that capital leaves Peru for tax havens such as Malta and Curaçao.

“By applying a 12% direct tax to this activity, the annual collection will allow the collection of more than S/ 160 million per year,” the official emphasized.

This initiative will help tax revenues and will benefit investments in sports and regional tourism; added to that will guarantee transparency in the game, the prevention of fraud, money laundering and money laundering, as well as protecting minors and gamblers by authorizing, controlling and supervising the betting business.

“We respect free trade, but with responsible companies that pay taxes on gambling, consumption and online advertising, but must have duly authorized permits in Peru,” said Sánchez.

It is worth specifying that this draft will be evaluated and debated in the Council of Ministers in future sessions.

Source: Larepublica

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