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Sunat: how to declare Income Tax online and who should carry out this procedure?

Sunat: how to declare Income Tax online and who should carry out this procedure?

The National Superintendence of Customs and Tax Administration (Sunath) enabled the February 14, 2022 the Virtual Form #709so that from now on any natural person will be able to declare their first category income (rentals), second category income and income from work and/or foreign sources through the Sunat web platform or the People APP. .

It is important to point out that the Income Tax is a tax that is determined annually and its exercise begins on January 1 and ends on December 31. In addition, it taxes the income that comes from the lease (rent)alienation or other type of transfer of real and personal property, shares and other securities (capital gains) and/or work performed in a dependent and independent manner.

Who must declare Income Tax?

According to Sunat, the natural people who must declare this tax are:

  • Those who have received Fifth Category Income (workers on the payroll) and, at the same time, attribute rental and/or sublease expenses to their spouses or common-law partners.
  • Workers who have exclusively received income from the Fifth category that determine a balance in favor, by deducting rental expenses for real estate located in the country.
  • Workers who have a balance in their favor as recipients of Fourth Category Income (independent workers) and/or Fifth Category (workers on the payroll) and Foreign Source Income.
  • Those that determine a balance to be paid for First, Second and Labor Income and/or Foreign Source Income.
  • Those who carry balances in favor of previous years and apply them against the tax and/or have executed said balances against payments on account for Fourth Category Income.

Natural persons must also pay Income Tax. Photo: GrupoVerona

How to declare Income Tax online?

To declare the Income tax online, you must have your RUC, your SOL key and follow these simple steps:

Through the Sunat website

  • Step 1: Enter the Sunat web platform by clicking HERE.
  • Step 2: Fill in the boxes with your RUC, username and SOL code.
  • Step 3: Complete the virtual form N° 709. In the Informative section, indicate the Type of Declaration, Types of Income, answer the questions and, if applicable, complete the information of the items Other income and Attribution of Expenses.
  • Step 4: Then go to the Determinative section. In that tab, you must verify the details of Independent Work, Other Income from Independent Work, Total Dependent Work (declared by your employer), Deduction of 3 UIT, Deduction by ITF, Deduction for donations and Net income from foreign source.
  • Step 4: After completing all the information correctly, click OK.
  • Step5: Then select the option Present/ Pay. Four payment options will be enabled, select the one that suits you best and click Present/Pay.
  • Step 6: If you choose the credit card option, enter the details of the card and proceed to pay.
  • Step 7: The transaction summary will be generated, where you will see your proof of presentation that you can save, print or send by email. That’s it!

To make the Income Tax declaration you need your RUC, username and SOL password. Photo: Capture

Through the People APP

  • Step 1: Download the people APP or update it from the Google Play and App Store virtual stores.
  • Step 2: Once there, go to the Annual Income Statement option.
  • Step 3: Enter your RUC or DNI and your password.
  • Step 4: Select Declare Annual Income 2021 – Virtual Form 709
  • Step 5: Complete the form in the same way as on the web.
  • Step 6: Make the payment and you will obtain the records with the declaration report. Ready!

The People App will allow taxpayers to pay Income Tax from their cell phone. Photo: Andean

What are the maximum terms to declare Income Tax?

The due date schedule for the presentation of the Annual Income Statement 2021 begins on March 25 and runs through April 8, 2022, according to the last digit of the RUC of the taxpayer.

Maturity schedule to declare Income Tax. Photo: Sunat

What happens if I am late in filing the Income Tax return and pay after the deadline?

According to Sunat, presenting the declaration and paying after the deadline has consequences, since the fine for paying out of time is equivalent to half the UIT (S/ 2,300 if the infraction is committed in 2022, but if SUNAT has not notified you yet, you will only have to pay 10% of it (S/ 230 plus default interest).

It is also subject to default interest. The interest rate is 0.033% per day and are computed from the day following the due date, both for the fine and for payment after the deadline.

Source: Larepublica

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