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LIVE exchange rate: watch the exchange rate TODAY, Friday, February 11

meet the price of the dollar in Peru today, Friday, February 11, for purchase and sale in the main banks and the parallel market. The green ticket started the day with a value of S / 3.7400, according to the portal Bloomberg. In the previous session, on Thursday, February 10, the US currency closed at S/ 3,740, the lowest value since Pedro Castillo became president.

This figure represents a reduction of 1.71% compared to the previous day, reported the Central Reserve Bank of Peru (BCRP). It is worth emphasizing that the value closest to the close of this Thursday dates from March 25, 2021, when it closed at S / 3,735. This occurs after learning that the consumer’s price index it rose 7.5% in the United States from a year earlier.

In various markets in metropolitan Lima, La República was able to observe that the price of food such as chicken and fish has dropped considerably compared to previous months. During the past year, for example, the chicken exceeded peaks of S/ 10 per kilogrambut now it can be found from S/ 5.50 —for a whole one— to S/ 6.50 —for the cut piece— at the Mercado Cooperativa San Gabriel de Villa María del Triunfo (VMT).

The Pension Fund Administrators (AFP) registered profits for S/ 553 million 586,000 during 2021, this figure is around 10.5% higher than 2019, the pre-pandemic year. And 33% more than in 2020, when it added S/ 414 million 224,000 (see infographic). According to data from the Superintendence of Banking, Insurance and AFPs (SBS), Prima was the one that earned the most, closing last year with profits of S/ 187,753,000.

What is the exchange rate?

We use the exchange rate, which is the price of one country’s currency (currency) in terms of another, to exchange a currency. It is also known as the exchange rate in other countries.

Why is the exchange rate important?

Knowing the exchange rate or exchange rate helps us know how many units of national currency must be paid to obtain a foreign currency. For example, in Peru, to obtain a dollar, three soles and ninety, approximately, must be delivered.

Price of the dollar starts at S / 3.74

According to what was reported by Bloomberg, the price of the dollar in Peru today, Friday, February 11, starts to drop at S/ 3.7400. In the parallel market, the green ticket can be obtained with S/ 3,740 for the purchase and S/ 3,790 for the sale. On the previous day, Thursday, February 10, the Central Reserve Bank of Peru (BCRP) reported that the exchange rate closed with a value of S/ 3,740, one of the lowest in nearly nine months.

Source: Larepublica

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