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Exchange rate in Peru: how much is it trading today, Saturday, January 22, 2022

check the price of the dollar in Peru today, Saturday, January 22, 2021. The North American currency starts with a price of S / 3.8338, according to the Bloomberg portal. The exchange rate closed the day of January 21 at S/3,835, much lower than the final price of January 20 (S/3,837), according to the Central Reserve Bank of Peru (BCRP). On the other hand, in the parallel market, the green ticket can be obtained at S/ 3,815 for the purchase and S/ 3,855 for the sale.

Besides, the National Superintendence of Customs and Tax Administration (Sunat) the exchange rate is quoted at S/ 3,820 for the purchase and S/ 3,834 for the sale. In the same way, the price of the international currency, with information from the Banco de la Nación, is obtained at S/ 3,800 and its sale is located at S/ 3,930.

On the economic front, the Central Reserve Bank of Peru (BCRP) approved the increase in the minimum legal reserve requirement to 5.25% for February. In this sense, said rate was determined at 5.5% in March, 5.75% in April and 6% since May 2022. According to an analysis of recent months, this indicator has been rising since August 2021.

Ante al oil spill that caused damage to biodiversity and the inhabitants of different beaches on the Peruvian coast, the National Superintendency of Labor Inspection (Sunafil) explained that it sent a team of inspectors to monitor the conditions in which Repsol personnel work during the mitigation attempt of the damage caused in the Cavero spa, located in the district of Ventanilla. In the event of non-compliance with the protection, safety and health measures of the company’s workers, the supervisory body indicated that it could award a fine of up to S/ 241,638.


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