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CAF implements high-impact projects to promote water and road corridors

The CAF – Development Bank of Latin America– reported that it maintains two high-impact projects with Peru, which were signed with the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF).

It is, in the first place, the water and sanitation project, “Nueva Rinconada”, which has a credit from $51.5 billion. This is executed by the Lima Potable Water and Sewerage Service (Sedapal) and includes the construction and replacement of more than 400,000 home connections.

In addition, it considers the installation of approximately 1,000 kilometers of pipeline between primary and secondary networks in the districts of San Juan de Miraflores, Villa María del Triunfo and Villa El Salvador.


On the other hand, the CAF also approved financing for “Proregion”, a project for the improvement of 18 road corridors in 16 regions of the country, with a loan of US$233.3 billion in order to increase the country’s competitiveness and generation employment in the provinces.

This project proposed the intervention of about 15,000 km of the unpaved subnational road network, which represents the 54% of the total of this network in Peru. In this way, the road network indicator in the provinces to be paved is reduced.


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