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MTPE Job Bank offers more than 9,000 job vacancies with salaries of up to S / 15,000

The Labor Exchange, a service of the Peru Employment portal of the Ministry of Labor and Employment Promotion (MTPE), currently offers more than 9,000 job vacancies with salaries ranging from S / 930 to S / 15,000, which is available to all people looking for one job opportunity.

There are currently 9,585 current job vacancies and salaries vary according to the position and type of contract (hourly, part-time or full-time).

The positions with the most job offers on the portal are: Technician / Operative, assistant, executive / representative and supervisor / coordinator.

It is important to mention that the Job Board It is available to job seekers and all companies wishing to publicize their job offers. There you can find a wide variety of positions for all types of profiles.

To use the free services of the portal, you must register at, complete your CV and apply for job offers. For ease of use, there are search filters that allow easy access to current job opportunities.

In the year 2021, more than 133,000 job vacancies have been disseminated and more than 56,000 people have applied to them nationwide.

For this year, it is projected that the Peru Jobs portal will have around seven million visits and more than 180,000 vacancies published in its Job Bank service.


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