Following the trip to China by President Dina Boluarte and Peruvian business associations, the Exporters Association emphasized that at least 5% growth is required to, among other things, absorb the thousands of young people who graduate from universities and institutes every year.
The Minister of Economy and Finance, José Arista, had already announced that our GDP will reach a rate higher than 3.1% “in some points” and was even aware that bouncing back to that ratio would not allow the monetary poverty rate – which affects a third of Peruvians – to decrease.
One of the pillars proposed for taking this path, they stressed —along with other groups such as CCL, SNMPE, Confiep and SNI, etc.— is to submit to a technical debate and the call for specialists for the creation of the new Ministry of Infrastructure; which should have less paperwork and bureaucracy to avoid “people without knowledge and experience.”
In addition, Congress must be important in approving legal frameworks that encourage the presence of long-term private investment: some initiatives in the pipeline are the Special Economic Zones (ZEE) –a 0% Income Tax and the elimination of the minimum limit of hectares are proposed–, the Agrarian Law and the regulation of Law 31578 (economic reactivation through public purchases by SMEs), Law 32049 (on cabotage) and Law 32045 (amends the Law of the National Port System).
They also recommended funding more flagrancy centres nationwide, repealing the law that weakens the fight against organised crime and amending the Penal Code.
They pointed out that, given the failure of the mining formalization by the Comprehensive Registry of Mining Formalization – Reinfo, out of more than 86,000 registered, only 2.4% were registered and 7.4% are suspended for not meeting the requirements to continue the process. They asked to conclude the process. Adex emphasizes that informal and illegal mining costs 2.5% of GDP.
Source: Larepublica

Alia is a professional author and journalist, working at 247 news agency. She writes on various topics from economy news to general interest pieces, providing readers with relevant and informative content. With years of experience, she brings a unique perspective and in-depth analysis to her work.