How to collect the S/500 bonus today? Check the requirements, beneficiaries and more about the subsidy

The Housing Rental Bonus for Emergencies (BAE) is a temporary aid mechanism provided by the Ministry of Housing (MVCS) to people affected by natural phenomena or induced by human action, whose houses collapsed, became uninhabitable and are located in an area declared in a state of emergency by Supreme Decree.

The main objective of the BAE is to provide the necessary resources to the victims to rent adequate accommodation, which includes essential basic services, for a period of up to two years. Recently, the Ministry of Housing published a resolution approving the twentieth call for 16 vouchers to be granted to families in the provinces of Castilla, Caylloma, Condesuyos and La Unión, in Arequipa.

S/500 Bonus: Check the requirements HERE

To be eligible for the Emergency Housing Rental Bonus, only two conditions are required. First, affected families must: confirm that your previous home has been declared uninhabitable or completely destroyed. They then need to make sure that the new space they want to rent is find yourself in a safe area away from the above risks.

Once the Ministry of Housing verifies the information through a direct process, a ministerial resolution is issued that determines the number of beneficiaries who will receive support, the areas that the aid will cover, and the deadlines established for the delivery of the bonus. Remember that the BAE facilitates new accommodation with basic services for up to two years, as long as these documents are submitted within a maximum period of 10 business days:

  • The application to receive the Emergency Lease Bonus (BAE).
  • Affidavit of not having a home other than one that is collapsed or uninhabitable.
  • Rental contract for the property, signed with the landlord of the property, with signatures legalized before a justice of the peace or notary public.
  • If applicable, the sworn statement of the signatories of the aforementioned contract declaring the economic impediment to the legalization of signatures.

Who are the beneficiaries of the S/500 subsidy?

The beneficiaries of the S/500 bonus are mainly families that have been directly affected by socio-natural disasters, such as heavy rains caused by the El Niño phenomenon. This financial support is provided to those who have lost their home or whose home has been declared uninhabitable.

The list of potential beneficiaries is published on the websites of the Ministry of Housing and the Mivivienda Fund, as well as in the offices of the municipalities. In the case of the recent call for applications in Arequipa, the list can be found in the offices of the municipalities of the districts of Ayo, Pampacolca, Ichupampa, Salamanca, Alca and Puyca.

Bonus 500 in Peru: how to collect it?

The start of the registration process for the S/300 Bonus involves the identification of potential beneficiaries by local authorities. It is their responsibility to compile records of affected people. These lists are then incorporated into the National Information System for Response and Rehabilitation (Sinpad) of the National Institute of Civil Defense (Indeci).

Once the registration process is complete, the Ministry of Housing, Construction and Sanitation (MVCS) verifies the information provided. The ministry then issues a resolution that calls on the beneficiaries and details the deadlines and places where the bonus will be delivered. Then, there will be a period of ten days to find a new home in a safe area and rent it with the subsidy.

Ministerial Resolution No. 239-2024-Vivienda, published in the official newspaper El Peruano, establishes that the municipalities of Ayo, Pampacolca, Ichupampa, Salamanca, Alca and Puyca de Arequipa, must send to the MVCS, through the latter’s physical or virtual reception desk, the documents sent by potential beneficiaries, up to a maximum period of two business days, counted from the last day of the expiration of the deadline.

It is worth mentioning that the calculation of the term for the delivery of the BAE begins on the date on which each beneficiary makes his or her first payment at the Banco de la Nación.

Source: Larepublica

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