Find out what the dollar exchange rate is today, Monday, May 6, according to BCRP. Additionally, know the price of the US currency in the parallel market and in the main banks in Peru.
- BCV dollar TODAY, May 6, 2024: official value according to the Central Bank of Venezuela
How much is the dollar in Sunat?
For this Monday, May 6, the dollar is at S/3,718 for the purchase and S/3,726 for the saleaccording to Sunat.
The price of the dollar in Peru is linked to the movements carried out daily by the Central Reserve Bank (BCR). According to the website qué, the value of the US currency is quoted at S/3,710 for purchase and S/3,735 for sale. In addition to this official information, we tell you how the US currency is quoted for buying and selling in financial institutions, money changers, online exchange houses and Jr. Ocoña.
What is the dollar exchange rate in Peruvian banks?
Portal information qué
- Buys: S/3,650
- Sale: S/3,771
- Purchase: S/3,655
- Sale: S/3,780
National bank
- Purchase: S/3,680
- Sale: S/3,760
- Purchase: S/3,628
- Sale: S/3,821
- Purchase: S/3,637
- Sale: S/3,816
Price of the dollar today, Monday, May 6, in Peru: minute by minute of the exchange rate
Why does the price of the dollar rise or fall?
Since the dollar is going down, it is good to know why this is happening. The price of the dollar increases or decreases when it is affected by supply and demand. If there is greater supply than demand, the price falls. But if demand exceeds supply, the price increases.
How much is the dollar in Sunat?
For this Monday, May 6, the dollar is at S/3,718 for the purchase and S/3,726 for the saleaccording to Sunat.
What is the exchange rate?
The exchange rate is the price of the dollar in any country, which is divided into purchase and sale, as indicated by the Finance expert from Pacífico Business School, Jorge Carrillo Acosta, in a previous dialogue with La República.
Journalist from the Jaime Bausate y Meza University. Economics web editor at La República, with experience in public and civil society institutions. Interested in politics, society and human rights issues.
Source: Larepublica

Alia is a professional author and journalist, working at 247 news agency. She writes on various topics from economy news to general interest pieces, providing readers with relevant and informative content. With years of experience, she brings a unique perspective and in-depth analysis to her work.