This would be the AFP withdrawal schedule for disbursement of up to 4UIT, according to José Luna

This would be the AFP withdrawal schedule for disbursement of up to 4UIT, according to José Luna

On social networks, the congressman Jose Luna shared a video explaining when the dates on which AFP withdrawal deposits will be made would be. According to the parliamentarian of We can Peruthe first payment would be given in the first days of June and the last, at the end of September.

This occurs despite the fact that the National Superintendency of Banking, Insurance and AFP (SBS) The official schedule for voluntary withdrawal of pension funds has not yet been issued. It should be noted that the seventh withdrawal was promulgated by President Dina Boluarte last Thursday. The law 32002 It was published in the Official Gazette El Peruano and came into effect the following day. Contributors who are part of the process may obtain up to 4 ITU of your pension fund. That is, they will be able to receive up to a maximum of S/20,600.

AFP Retirement: payments would begin in June 2024, according to José Luna

According to the video published on the account of José Luna Gálvez On TikTok, the withdrawal from the AFP pension fund will have an extension of 4 months. Additionally, to be part of the process, contributors must enter their request on the page of the National Superintendency of Banking, Insurance and AFP (SBS).

In the video released by the founder of We can Peruit is ensured that the first withdrawal would take place on June 5, in which each applicant will receive 1 ITU, corresponding to S/5,150 soles. Subsequently, the second withdrawal would take place in the first half of July. The third withdrawal would be scheduled for the fortnight of August, to finally receive the last deposit approximately September 15. It should be noted that each withdrawal can only be for a maximum amount of S/5,150 soles and that will vary depending on the funds that the contributor has.

They present a letter to SBS to expedite the regulations on the withdrawal of the AFPs

Last Thursday, the congresswoman Worthy Streeta member of the Podemos Peru bench, sent a letter to the National Superintendency of Banking, Insurance and AFP (SBS). The letter requests that the entity directed by Socorro Heysen Zegarra carry out “as soon as possible”, the regulations of the operating procedure that allows the withdrawal of pension funds approved by the Congress and promulgated by the president Dina Boluarte. According to the parliamentarian, there are already precedents that facilitated the extraordinary withdrawals of these contributions. For this reason, she tells him that it is feasible to issue said regulation in less time.

It should be noted that the National Superintendency of Banking, Insurance and AFP (SBS) has a maximum of 15 calendar days to provide the guidelines of the seventh retirement of the AFP; This is as established in Law 32002. In other words, the SBS will have a maximum deadline of May 2, 2024 to formally issue the payment schedule.

Source: Larepublica

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