Price of the dollar today in Peru: what is the exchange rate for this Tuesday, April 16

Price of the dollar today in Peru: what is the exchange rate for this Tuesday, April 16

Check what the dollar exchange rate is today, Tuesday, April 16, according to BCRP. You also know the price of the US currency in the parallel market and in the main banks in Peru.

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In Peru, the price of the dollar is subject to the quote of the Central Reserve Bank (BCR), mostly. According to the Bloomberg portal, the dollar exchange rate began today, Tuesday, April 16, downward, positioning itself at S/3.7649. While according to the website qué, the value of the US currency is quoted at S/3,740 for purchase and S/3,770 for sale. Next, find out what the cost of the dollar is in the main banks in the country and in the different online and Jr. exchange houses. Ocoña.

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Bachelor’s degree in journalism from the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru. He is an editor with interest in gender, disability and economics issues.

Source: Larepublica

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