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MTPE rejects questions for alleged anti-union interference

Before the creation of the National School of Union Studies Promoted by the Executive Power, some union centrals expressed their rejection and called for the removal of the head of the Ministry of Labor and Employment Promotion, Betssy Chávez.

According to the General Confederation of Workers of Peru (CGTP), Central Unitary of Workers (CUT Peru), Confederation of Workers of Peru (CTP) and the Autonomous Central of Workers of Peru (CATP), the Government violates union autonomy and coordination institutionalized with the centrals on the subject, and even “it is not providing a solution to the institutional problems of social dialogue, much less to the abuses against the working class.”

In this regard, the MTPE stated in a statement that the pronouncement of these groups “causes surprise”, given that “they have always had an open-door policy towards the workforce”, to the point that in just 77 days of management, Betssy Chávez it achieved 307 meetings with centrals, federations and unions.

“The National School of Union Studies, far from being an “anti-union interference and affectation of institutionalized social dialogue”, it is a response to one of the demands of the working class, before the MTPE, to receive training in socio-labor regulations and health and safety at work ”, the portfolio subscribes.

They even detail that the launch of the National School for Union Studies had the participation and representation of: Central Autonomous Workers of Peru (CATP); CDN-Federación CUT Essalud; Central de Trabajadores del Peru (CTP); FENUTSSA-CGTP; FUNETCINCENCES, SUIT-SUNAFIL.

Finally, the MTPE rejected the qualifications that question the powers of Minister Chavez “which, in addition to not having support, respond to a form of sexist violence and discrimination, ignoring facts and objective actions.”


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