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Puno: rural water and sanitation works begin for more than S / 8 million in the province of Sandia

The Ministry of Housing, Construction and Sanitation (MVCS) began the execution of the project to improve and expand drinking water and sanitation services in the town of IguarĂ¡, in the district and province of Sandia in the Puno region with an investment of S / 8 million 460,814.

This project contemplates the installation 288 basic sanitation units, composed of a toilet, shower, sink and sink, with a comfortable, safe and private space for personal hygiene.


In addition, more than 900 residents will benefit with this project, since they will not have to travel long distances to get drinking water, since they will have this service in their homes. These works will reduce the incidence of anemia and gastrointestinal diseases.

The work will be carried out by the MVCS National Rural Sanitation Program and includes training for families in health education, environmental care, payment of the family fee and service management (operation, maintenance and operation of the sanitation system).


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