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What happens if I reject a promotion at the company where I work?

What happens if I reject a promotion at the company where I work?

A ascent Labor is a progress in the hierarchical structure of a corporate entity or business. Such advancement generally implies a series of favorable modifications, including an increase in assigned responsibilities, an increase in remuneration and, frequently, a promotion in the hierarchy position within the business conglomerate.

While all this may sound like an opportunity to advance in your work life, many times a ascent It can come with very heavy tasks that would affect free time and our health. There are several reasons to reject an offer of this nature. In these situations the doubt arises: can something happen to me if I do not accept a change of position?

If I do not accept a promotion, can this decision have a negative impact?

The Republic contacted lawyer Cristian Cáceres, who answered the question previously posed. “There would not be any negative consequences and a justified dismissal for refusing to accept a promotion would not be appropriate,” said the master in public management.

“In an employment relationship, although the worker will be subordinate to his employer, this submission is specifically related to the obligations and functions of the job. A ascent It cannot be related to a job, whether it be a lawyer, accountant, etc. In this framework, we could not link the impact of a ascent with a work obligation and, therefore, it could not generate a consequence for you,” explained the lawyer from the San Martín de Porres University.

Wellbeing has emerged as a key element in job satisfaction, placing it on par with professional success in terms of importance. Contemporary workers often prioritize their mental health, which is why they are reluctant to compromise it even for opportunities for salary increases.

In this way, keep in mind that you can refuse a job promotion without any consequences. “Reject a ascent It would not be within the catalog of offenses that could generate an established dismissal, according to the norm (article 25 of the single ordered text of legislative decree 728)”, mentioned Cristian Cáceres.

“Assume a position in which it is obligatory to accept a ascent It would transgress the limits of the right to work and property that a person has. (…) We can decide how we develop, how we feel fulfilled,” she added.

The importance of mental health in work well-being

Mental health is a fundamental aspect for well-being in the workplace. A balanced and positive state of mind contributes to greater productivity, creativity and satisfaction at work.

When employees feel mentally well, they can more effectively deal with everyday challenges and stresses, resulting in a more harmonious and efficient work environment.

On the other hand, impaired mental health has negative effects for both the individual and the organization. Stress, anxiety and depression can decrease the ability to concentrate, make decisions and social interaction, which in turn affects work performance.

Source: Larepublica

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