Perupetro launched this Wednesday, February 28, the investor call process to select a new operator for Lot X, located in the Talara basin (Piura), for a period of 30 years and, in this way, ensure the continuity of oil operations in said lot.
“However, said lot could double its production with the development of new investments and technology,” the agency noted.
The Republic was able to learn that investments in the field, the largest in the northwest and operated today by the Chinese state company CNPC, will be made in proportion to the percentage of participation.
Perupetro indicated that this is a public and transparent process, in which interested companies will be able to present their offers and compete on equal terms. Petroperú will have a 40% participation in the License Agreement.
The winner of the bid will be the company that offers the best Work Program, that is, the largest investment commitments for drilling development and exploration wells.
Lot X: good pro will be ready on April 8
According to the schedule, the presentation of offers will take place on April 4, 2024 and the awarding of the bid will take place on April 8 of this year. The bases of the call process are published on the Perupetro web portal and are freely accessible to all interested parties.
It should be noted that, in compliance with the Citizen Participation Regulations for carrying out Hydrocarbon Activities, in December the in-person events were held in the districts of El Alto, Lobitos, Máncora and Los Órganos (Talara).
“In these workshops, information was provided to authorities, grassroots organizations, neighborhood associations and the general population, regarding the future development of Lot X,” the agency detailed.
Source: Larepublica

Alia is a professional author and journalist, working at 247 news agency. She writes on various topics from economy news to general interest pieces, providing readers with relevant and informative content. With years of experience, she brings a unique perspective and in-depth analysis to her work.