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They don’t want to baptize Amelka, and they dismissed Frania from religion.  Because of this strange fashion they will burn in hell

They don’t want to baptize Amelka, and they dismissed Frania from religion. Because of this strange fashion they will burn in hell

– I need to vent somewhere because I’m slowly starting to lose my nerve. I tried to raise my children in love for God, in the spirit of the Catholic faith. We often prayed together and went to church every Sunday. My husband and I explained to Radek what the Ten Commandments were for and we read biblical parables. At the age of a dozen, he had his little rebellion, but it quickly passed, writes Danuta in a letter sent to our editorial office.

Radek is a believer, or at least that’s what I thought so far. He and Basia got married about 9 years ago. I was happy because my daughter-in-law was also a believer… I knew that she had confirmation and went to church, and the children would not have God for anything. However, everything indicates that I was very wrong. It’s all because of Basia and her ideas…

Basia gave birth to my granddaughter, Amelka, five months ago. They have an older son, Frank – he is now 8 years old and in the second grade. Recently I visited them and asked if they had already decided where Amelka would be baptized – whether in our parish or at Basia’s in her hometown, because if so, we would have to arrange transport in advance. And what did I hear? That they are not going to do it at all! Basia announced that she “does not intend to support the institution that is currently the Polish church” and that she “does not feel part of it” even though she is Catholic, and Amelka “is too young to decide for herself.”

“They are having a church wedding themselves, and they don’t want to send their children to religious education!”

Yes, unfortunately there is such a fashion, a fashion for turning away from God. And because of this strange fashion, people will burn in hell. Even my neighbors complain that their children have stopped taking their grandchildren to church and are withdrawing them from religion. Same with Basia, I have the impression that she saw this whole “trend” among her colleagues at work and blindly followed it!

Fortunately, at least they baptized Frank, but they dismissed him from religion. Just like the other parents in his class. I can’t believe it: Radek and Basia are having a church wedding themselves, and they don’t want to send their children to religious education! I never thought I would live to see such times. Of course, I tried to argue with them. I explained to them that a child’s relationship with God is important and that they should pay attention to it from an early age. And what does Basia think about it?! That she will not make decisions for Frank and Amelka, that when they grow up – they will decide for themselves! Because, as she claimed, she did not want to “put pressure on children” and “impose on them an ideology that has nothing to do with true faith.” In my time, such a thing was unthinkable.



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Source: Gazeta

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