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Why hasn’t the new S/200 bill been released yet and what is missing for its circulation?

Why hasn’t the new S/200 bill been released yet and what is missing for its circulation?

Currently, in Peru there is a banknote family which pays tribute to outstanding figures of the 20th century in the fields of art, literature, history and science. Likewise, the theme chosen by the Central Reserve Bank of Peru seeks to disseminate our biodiversity by showing species of flora and fauna in the print, whose predominant material is cotton.

Since 2021, banknotes belonging to the denominations of S/10, S/20, S/50 and S/100. However, despite the time that has passed, the S/200 bill. In order to find out the reasons, La República accessed a BCRP source. Find out the answer in this note.

Why hasn’t the new S/200 bill entered circulation yet?

Regarding the putting into circulation of the banknotes, they enter the economy based on public demand —says our source—. For example, the S/10 bills were among the first to enter circulation because they are the most used in daily transactions. In the case of S/200 bills, these are the ones that circulate the slowest due to their high denomination.

What characters are on the new BCR banknotes?

  1. S/20: José María Arguedas, the condor and the Cantuta flower
  2. S/50: María Rostworowski, the jaguar and the puya Raimondi
  3. S/100: Pedro Paulet, the spatula-tailed hummingbird and the orchid Phragmipedium kovachii
  4. S/200: Tilsa Tsuchiya, the cock of the rock and the beautiful abanquina flower. (Not yet in circulation).

Who was Tilsa Tsuchiya?

Tilsa Tsuchiya Castillo He was born on November 24, 1928 in the district of Supe, Lima. She was the daughter of the Japanese doctor Yoshigoro Tsuchiya and María Luisa Castillo, a young Peruvian Tusán of Spanish-Chinese origin. She and her seven siblings were orphaned at an early age. At the beginning of her painting studies at the National School of Fine Arts in Lima (1947), she had to face the death of her father and, two years later, the death of her mother.

For this reason, he temporarily retired from the Fine Arts classrooms and opened a glass shop and framing workshop together with his brother Wilfredo on Avenida Petit Thouars. In that time of mental recovery, she gave birth to her first child, but she continued to lose the connection with painting and, in her free time, she made replicas of Van Gogh paintings.

Source: Larepublica

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