Find out how much the price of the dollar is in Peru today, Tuesday, November 30, for buying and selling in the parallel market and in the different banks in the country. During this day, the value of the US currency stands at 4.0610, according to the Bloomberg portal.
For its part, the National Superintendency of Customs and Tax Administration (Sunat) quotes the greenback in 4,048 for purchase and 4,059 for sale Today, Tuesday, November 30. According to the Central Reserve Bank of Peru (BCRP), while on Sunday, November 28, the US currency closed the week at S / 4,045, on Monday, November 29, the dollar ended the day at S / 4,062. That is, it rose 0.17% more than the weekend.
In the economic sphere, on the last Monday, November 29, the shares of the Bag of Lima Securities (BVL) they closed at 20,249.44 points. This means that 13 of the 15 sectors finished the Jordan in positive and had an advance of 1,94%. On that date, the sectors with the best development were mining with 3.55%, industrial with 1.7% and construction with 1.53%.
On the other hand, on Monday, November 29, economists Marylin Choy, Carlos Oliva and Diego Macera were sworn in as new directors of the BCRP before the president of the Judiciary, Elva barrios. On November 18, the three professionals obtained a majority vote from Congress and were appointed as new representatives of the board of the economic institution.
Live: Exchange rate today, Tuesday, November 30
The dollar in Peru is trading at S / 4.0440, according to Bloomberg
The price of the dollar is located at S / 4.0610 around 8:00 am, after closing yesterday at S / 4.062, according to the Central Reserve Bank of Peru (BCRP).

Kingston is an accomplished author and journalist, known for his in-depth and engaging writing on sports. He currently works as a writer at 247 News Agency, where he has established himself as a respected voice in the sports industry.