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La Libertad continues to be the leading gold producer in the country

La Libertad continues to be the leading gold producer in the country

La Libertad has positioned itself as the first gold producer in the country, however, it has not yet recovered its production levels that it reached between 2005 and 2015, according to the Chamber of Commerce of the region, which manages the monitoring and promotion of formal and responsible private investment.

Precisely, its president, Alfonso Medrano Samamé, highlighted that according to the latest mining statistical bulletin published by the Ministry of Energy and Mines (Minem), La Libertad continues as the main gold producer with a participation of 33.8% of national production in the first quarter of 2023, ahead of regions such as Arequipa and Cajamarca.

“The important mining potential in the region leads us to think that Freedom It could recover the production levels it had between 2005 and 2015, when it reached its highest peak thanks to the formal companies that operate in the Andes of Libertad, several of which could be restored in the medium and long term with less investment in explorations”, expressed Medrano Samamé.

Meanwhile, considering the absence of new mining projects large, the extensions of the useful life of the mines through investments in new technology, such as the one that has been implemented in the Lagunas Norte mine, in the province of Santiago de Chuco, gain prominence.

“The promotion of formal mining committed to socially and environmentally responsible standards, as well as other economic-productive activities with high potential in the region, such as agriculture, the livestock industry, tourism, commerce and services, it is the best opportunity for the region to improve its competitiveness”, finished Medrano Samamé.

Source: Larepublica

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