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Sprinkle under the onion and garlic.  This fertilizer is a real vitamin bomb.  “I’ve been doing this for years”

Sprinkle under the onion and garlic. This fertilizer is a real vitamin bomb. “I’ve been doing this for years”

Cultivation of garlic and onion can bring a lot of satisfaction when we use our own hand-grown crops in the kitchen. But what to do to make them plentiful and good-looking? In addition to providing appropriate conditions for growth, it is worth feeding onions and garlic by making fertilizer from a banana peel.

Many of the things we throw away can be reused. It is similar with egg shells, coffee grounds or peels of various vegetables and fruits. If you want your garlic and onion to grow healthily and luxuriantly, be sure to prepare . It will perfectly power the crops, providing them with everything they need. How to prepare it?

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Instead of throwing away, make fertilizer from a banana peel. Garlic and onions will reward you with bountiful crops

Both onions and garlic need the right conditions to grow healthily and luxuriantly. It is worth supporting them with home-made fertilizer, which you will prepare from banana peels. Usually they end up in the bin anyway, and this is how they can be usefully used, for which the crops will repay with abundant crops. Garlic and onion need a fertilizer rich in potassium, nitrogen and phosphorus, and these ingredients can be found in banana peels.

The easiest way to prepare banana fertilizer is to collect two or three peels and cut them into small cubes. Prepared in this way, place in a liter jar and pour water. However, this is not the end. Such a mixture should stand for at least 2 days to release all the necessary ingredients. After this time, you can safely water the onion and garlic, and in the season it is worth doing it regularly once every 2-3 weeks.

What instead of banana water? Use the powder and the garlic and onions will grow like weeds

TikTok user @chassstastic shared her trick for using banana peels for onions. Instead of preparing fertilizer for watering, he creates a powder from them, which he sprinkles on the crops. How to prepare it? Just spread the banana peels on an oven tray and dry them until they completely lose moisture. The woman recommends doing it for about 2-3 hours at the lowest temperature. After this time, the skins should be ground to a fine powder and it’s ready.

In the comments under the video, many people wrote that they have been using banana peel fertilizer for years. Some, however, admitted that so far they had prepared it in liquid form, and they liked the trick from TikTok. The video has been viewed more than 68,000 times, and numerous words have been left in the comment section about the unique trick.

I’ve been making this fertilizer for years!

I did not think about it! I usually used banana water.

Looks great, thanks for the tip!

I do that too! I treat eggshells and oranges in a similar way.

Source: Gazeta

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