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Fishermen are key in the 5 nautical mile law

Fishermen are key in the 5 nautical mile law

The protection of the five nautical miles is already law, and so that it does not remain only on paper, it must have a regulation that guides its application.

In accordance with the norm (Law 31749), the Ministry of Production (Produce) has 60 business days, that is, until August 16, to present this document, and different artisanal fishermen’s unions at the national level have already requested to participate. in its elaboration.

a legitimate claim

The lack of opinion on the part of the fishermen means that regulations such as the General Fishing Law, for example, allow the medium-scale fleet to be considered artisanal, when it is not selective fishing, explains Juan Moina, president of the Fishermen’s Federation. Tacna crafts.

“Many times they are lawyers, who are behind the desk, looking at the regulations, but they are unaware of the artisanal fisherman and in the end the regulations do not turn out as they really should be. Because it is not possible for a 32.6 vessel (cubic meters of hold capacity) to be handmade, if they are already mechanized”, he specifies.

Carmen Heck, Policy Director of Oceana Peru, affirms that it is essential that seafarers are part of the table where this regulation is discussed, since they are the ones who know better than anyone the problems of the sector and its forms of fishing, wisdom that will be essential for Produce employees.

  Artisanal fishermen will be allowed to operate within the first five nautical miles.  Photo: diffusion

Artisanal fishermen will be allowed to operate within the first five nautical miles. Photo: diffusion

“There are previous examples, such as the case of the regulation for the fishing regulation of the mahi mahi and in the case of benthic resources, where spaces for participation were given for the design of these regulations. So, we hope that this time it will be similar, ”he indicated.

According to the environmental specialist Percy Grández, through Supreme Decree 063-2021-PCM and the Ex Ante Regulatory Impact Analysis Implementation Plan approved in 2021, Produce is obliged to convene the key actors of the fishing sector during the composition of the regulation.

“The rules that go through an adequate process of citizen participation have greater legitimacy and effectiveness in compliance,” he said.

For his part, Edwin Yrupalla, a member of the San Pedro de las Playas de la Costa Verde Association of Artisanal Fishermen, welcomed the publication of the law that will allow the protection of anchovy, which is the main food of species that are caught for consumption. in homes, such as croaker, horse mackerel and cachema, among others.

He explained that they seek to share their concern regarding illegal fishing, with dynamite and the predation of species that are often caught in sizes smaller than those allowed.

They seek to register the fishermen

Congresswoman Hilda Portero (Popular Action) proposes declaring the Second National Census of Artisanal Fishing of public necessity and national interest to obtain updated and reliable statistical information on the sector.

In this way, it will be possible to access a more efficient policy design. to promote and implement comprehensive development programs and to better management of artisanal fishing, the document states.

Guilds of artisanal fishermen seek to participate in the new regulations for the protection of the 5 nautical miles.  Photo: the regional of Piura

Guilds of artisanal fishermen seek to participate in the new regulations for the protection of the 5 nautical miles. Photo: the regional of Piura

The first and last census was carried out in 2012. The initiative must be evaluated by the congressional commissions.


  • 50,000 artisanal fishermen will benefit from the application of the law 31749.
  • 80% of what is caught artisanally supplies the markets.

Source: Larepublica

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