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Most people don’t clean the toilet well.  He forgets one important step

Most people don’t clean the toilet well. He forgets one important step

Regular cleaning of the toilet bowl is very important. If we forget about it, limescale will quickly accumulate on the surface of the toilet, which is difficult to get rid of. Many of us clean the toilet the wrong way. We often forget one important step.

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How to clean the toilet properly? There are a few tricks for this. Even regular cleaning in the wrong way may not bring the expected results. If you want to get rid of bacteria and protect the shell from deposits, make sure you follow these steps.

We usually forget about it. How to properly disinfect the toilet?

Cleaning the toilet seems trivial. As it turns out, it is not enough to just pour the shell with an appropriate agent or polish the sediment. A lot of bacteria accumulate on the surface of the toilet. Here’s another trick to get rid of them. We usually forget about this step.

After applying the first coat of cleaner, wait a few minutes before scrubbing the toilet thoroughly. Many people think that after these activities, the toilet is clean and disinfected again. It’s a mistake. After cleaning the toilet with a brush, pour the toilet bowl with the selected preparation again. In this way, we will get rid of both bacteria and dirt settling on the porcelain, and we will protect the surface against their return for a long time.

Remember to clean these parts of the toilet. This is where most bacteria accumulate

Do you know which part of the toilet has the most bacteria? Many people may think that the main habitat of microorganisms is the shell itself. As it turns out, microbes most often accumulate on the toilet seat, specifically on its inside. This is mentioned, among others, by tiktoker Marcin Gosztyła. When cleaning the bathroom, do not forget to clean the seat both inside and on the side on which we sit.

Another element that we usually forget to clean is the cistern. Why is washing it so important? We usually touch it after using the toilet, but before washing our hands. Because of this, we transfer a whole lot of bacteria to it. To get rid of them, regularly disinfect the cistern.

Source: Gazeta

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