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Bonds in Peru 2023: what subsidies are available in May and how to know if they correspond to you?

Bonds in Peru 2023: what subsidies are available in May and how to know if they correspond to you?

In order to cover the economic needs caused by the pandemic in 2020, inflation in 2021 and 2022, and the havoc caused by the weather phenomena In 2023, the Government allocated a series of subsidies —popularly known as bonds— to protect the most vulnerable population. Throughout these years, some state subsidies remain valid, but others have already expired. Therefore, in this note we detail which subsidies are available in May 2023 and how to know if they apply to you.

Before, it should be noted that both the payment of the bonus Get well now, Food Bonus and Fisherman Bonus They expired on April 27 and 30, respectively.

Agrarian Bonus or FertiAbono

The Government ordered the delivery of the Fertia Bonus in favor of agricultural producers who work with fertilizers based on nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium (NPK) and who were severely affected by the shortage of this input due to the war between Russia and Ukraine.

To find out if you are among those selected to receive this economic subsidy, you must follow the following steps:

  • Official consultation link: LINK
  • Deadline for collection: until June 30
  • Bonus amount: S/389 (from 0 to 0.5 hectares). Up to a maximum of S/7,447 (from 0.51 to 10 hectares).
This is how the Fertiabono consultation website appears.  Photo:

This is how the Fertiabono consultation website appears. Photo:

FertiAbono II

This financial support is in favor of agricultural producers who run agricultural units with a total cultivated area of ​​up to 5 hectares and who use chemical fertilizers based on nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium nutrients for the 2022-2023 agricultural season, in order to reactivate the economy.

  • Collection date: began on March 3, 2023 and ends on August 31, 2023. There will be no extension.
  • Consultation link:
  One of the requirements is not to be on the state electronic form.  Photo:

One of the requirements is not to be on the state electronic form. Photo:

Artisanal Fisherman Bonus

Because it expired on April 30, the Executive Power is evaluating a new payment of the bond of S/500 for artisanal fishermen in order to reactivate this sector, reported the Ministry of Production (Produce). The link to find out if you are a beneficiary was published at this link:

They are S / 18.8 million that were allocated in favor of artisanal fishermen.  Photo: Produce

They are S / 18.8 million that were allocated in favor of artisanal fishermen. Photo: Produce

Rentoca Bonus

This subsidy is aimed at culture and arts workers with financial support of S/820. To register and follow the registration steps, you must click HERE.

  • Remember that You have until June 30, 2023 to access this bonus.

Bonus for teachers

This benefit is granted in recognition of the work carried out by teachers and assistants in the training of children and young people in the country. This delivery was agreed within the framework of the collective bargaining carried out in 2022.

  • bonus amount: S/950
  • Beneficiaries: 400,000 teachers and assistants appointed and hired
  • Payment date: Minedu indicated that the pending delivery of this bond was planned for the last week of April.

Leasing Bond for Emergencies (BAE)

As a result of the intense rains caused by the passage of Cyclone Yaku in various regions of Peru, the Ministry of Housing, Construction and Sanitation (MVCS) announced a new economic subsidy called Housing Leasing Bond for Emergencies (BAE), which consists of economic support to attend in a short term to the victims whose houses and other material goods ended up affected by the heavy rainfall

  • Amount: monetary delivery of S/500 per month for a period of two years —to rent a home.
  • Requirements: your possession must have been declared uninhabitable or destroyed by a weather phenomenon or human action.
  • It has validity: this voucher does not have an official link; however, to find out if you can apply for the census, you must go to your municipality.
The districts of Peru that received authorization to collect this bonus are Lima, Lambayeque, Cajamarca, among others.  Photo: The Republic

The districts of Peru that received authorization to collect this bonus are Lima, Lambayeque, Cajamarca, among others. Photo: The Republic

Source: Larepublica

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