The Bloomberg portal indicates that the price of the dollar in Peru today, Monday, November 22, is at S / 4,0074. At the same time, in the parallel exchange market, the price of the dollar for purchase is S / 3,995 and for sale S / 4,030. The exchange rate of the last five days closed at a figure higher than S / 4,000, as reported by the Central Reserve Bank (BCR). This variation of the currency occurs in the midst of the health crisis due to the coronavirus, the political situation and the economic reactivation in the country.
Likewise, the value of the dollar according to the Sunat is established at S / 4,015 for the purchase and S / 4,026 for the sale. On the other hand, the dollar in Ocoña is quoted as the currency with the lowest price in the center of Lima. To be able to access the change you only have to approach Jirón Ocoña.
In the economic sphere, the Plenary of Congress approved the appointment of Inés Choy, Diego Macera and Carlos Oliva as new directors of the Central Reserve Bank of Peru. Likewise, with 76 votes in favor, 37 against and no abstention, the legislative branch’s proposal was authorized for Choy, Macera and Oliva to replace Rafael Rey Rey, Elmer Cuba and José Chlimper Ackerman, respectively.
On the other hand, the insurance law for family farming was unanimously approved in order for Peruvian farmers to have insurance that guarantees their subsistence and sustainability in the possible case of losing their crops and harvest due to natural disasters or caused by persons. Thus, Law 003/2021-CR presented by Congressman Wilson Soto Palacios, from the Popular Action bench, is intended for the Executive, regional and local governments to protect farmers and their families by promoting the development of family farming.

Kingston is an accomplished author and journalist, known for his in-depth and engaging writing on sports. He currently works as a writer at 247 News Agency, where he has established himself as a respected voice in the sports industry.