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How much should you be paid if you work night shifts?

How much should you be paid if you work night shifts?

A night shift at work Peru implies a time between 10:00 pm and 6:00 am With the increase in the Minimum Vital Remuneration (RMV) to S/1,025, which came into force in May 2022, the minimum wage for night shift workers also increased. How much is the amount they receive and how to calculate it?

The National Superintendence of Labor Inspection (Sunafil) recalls that the workers who work in this modality They are entitled to a salary of no less than S/1,383.75. This figure is derived from the summation of the minimum wage, which is S/1,025, and 35%, in accordance with the law.

On the other hand, the audit entity stresses that companies cannot exclude their employees from the payroll on the grounds that the worker is in a trial period. “Workers have the right to be registered on the electronic payroll from the beginning of their employment relationship,” they indicate.

What is the legal maximum working day?

The maximum legal working day established in the Constitution It is eight hours a day or 48 hours a week. Weekly hours are understood to be those included in a period of seven days. However, it can be established by law, agreement or unilateral decision of the employer a working day less than the legal maximum.

How are overtime hours calculated at night?

Regarding overtime, Legislative Decree 728 states that it must be done voluntarily, that is, it is not mandatory to work outside normal hours.

In the event that the worker decides, he must know that the time worked that exceeds the daily or weekly it is considered overtime and is paid with a surcharge.

In accordance with the law, for the first two hours, it may not be less than 25% of the hourly value of monthly remuneration of the collaborator. Subsequent hours are paid with a surcharge of 35%.

Source: Larepublica

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