Easter holidays: how much should you be paid if you work on Thursday, April 6 and Friday, April 7?

Easter holidays: how much should you be paid if you work on Thursday, April 6 and Friday, April 7?

At the gates of entering the celebrations for Easter, many citizens are planning family trips or activities for the long weekend. However, others must continue with their job responsibilities and work on Thursday, April 6 and Friday, April 7, national holidays.

In accordance with Legislative Decree 713, workers, both in the private and public sectors, who have to work on days established as holidays have the right to receive up to triple remuneration or a substitute break.

“If a worker earns S/300 per day and will work on Thursday, April 6 and Friday, April 7, then they must receive a total of S/1,800 for both days (S/900 for each day). In the event that the employer and the employee agree to two days of substitute rest, he will receive S / 600 (S / 300 per day) ”, specified Aymé Límaco, head of the Cuatrecasa labor area.

It should be noted that if the person is on vacation during this period, there is no additional pay due to the fact that the company, at the time of paying the respective salary, is already considering the payment corresponding to the holidays.

How much should I get paid if I work this holiday?

In detail, the Chamber of Commerce of Lima (CCL) Provide an example to understand how to calculate your payment if you work on any of the holidays. In this case, if a worker earns S / 3,000 per month, his daily wage will be S / 100 (3,000 / 30). Therefore, if you work this Thursday or Friday without substitute rest, your payment must consider the sum of the three aforementioned amounts:

  • For a holiday that is already considered in your monthly salary, it is equivalent to S/100.
  • For the work done that day, the corresponding amount is S/100.
  • For surcharge of 100% of the daily remuneration is S/100.

Finally, the worker will receive S/3,200 in total for the month. This will be done after adding the corresponding S/200 for working on those days.

How are salaries calculated on holidays?

Likewise, Álvaro Gálvez, manager of the Legal Center of the Chamber of Commerce of Lima (CCL), indicated that there are other cases to take into consideration when calculating how much payment corresponds to you. Check them out below:

  • paid holidays: National holidays, such as April 6 and 7, apply to public and private workers. Remember that these holidays are paid without the obligation to provide services to the employer.
  • If you work on holidays without substitute rest: Private sector workers who agree with their employers to work on these dates, without subsequent substitute rest, must receive triple daily remuneration for said holiday: one for the holiday and another with a surcharge of 100% for having worked on a holiday.
  • If you work on a holiday with substitute rest: remember that workers who agree to work on said holiday with substitute rest will receive their normal remuneration.
  • If you work remotely: as well as in face-to-face cases, workers who have been doing work remotely also have the holiday. Therefore, they have the right to receive their remuneration without working. In case an agreement is reached with your employer who will work on said holiday without substitute rest, they also have the triple payment of your daily salary.
  • If I am on medical leave during the holiday: workers who are on medical rest during the holidays, which coincides with the first 20 days of rest in the year 2023, must receive the holiday payment without having worked. Meanwhile, if the rest is after the 21st, the employer pays the holiday, not as remuneration, but as a subsidy.
  • If I am on vacation during the holidays: workers who are enjoying annual vacations during the Easter holiday are not entitled to the payment of additional remuneration. This is because your vacation pay must already include the holiday.

What are the official dates of the Holidays 2023 in Peru?

  • Sunday January 1: New Year
  • Thursday April 6: Holy Thursday
  • Friday April 7: Holy Friday
  • Sunday April 9: Easter Sunday
  • Monday May 1: International Workers’ Day (Labor Day)
  • Thursday June 29: Saint Peter and Saint Paul
  • Friday July 28: National Holidays
  • Saturday July 29: National Holidays
  • Sunday August 6: Battle of Junin
  • Tuesday August 30: Santa Rosa de Lima
  • Sunday October 8: Angamos Naval Combat Day
  • Wednesday, November 1: All Saints Day
  • Friday December 8: Immaculate Conception
  • Saturday December 9: Day of the Battle of Ayacucho
  • Monday December 25: Christmas.

Source: Larepublica

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