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The strike in Osasunbidea on Thursday was called off, after LAB and UGT reached an agreement with Health

The strike in Osasunbidea on Thursday was called off, after LAB and UGT reached an agreement with Health

The strike in Osasunbidea on Thursday was called off, after LAB and UGT reached an agreement with Health

Both unions have announced in a note that they have signed “labor and economic improvements, including the development of professional careers and the payment of special holidays for all staff.”

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  • Euskaraz irakurri

Euskaraz irakurri: Bertan behera geratu da Osasunbidean deitutako greba, LABek eta UGTk Gobernuarekin akordioa itxi ostean

Unions LAB and UGTwho hold the majority in the Intersindical de Salud, have called off the strike scheduled for Thursday, March 23, in Osasunbidea after reaching an agreement with the Department of Health of the Government of Navarra. The rest of the power plants (CC.OO., ELA and SAE) have been left out of the pact.

As explained in a statement, the agreement entails “important improvements that include both organizational and economic demands.” Specifically, it has been agreed complement for working on special days for all staff, regardless of their degree (22 euros per hour) and ensuring the development of the career also for all health personnel. In addition, it has been agreed to set up “immediately” a working group to analyze the needs and Workload of the templates of both Primary Care as Specialized. The exclusivenessinstead will continue current in the Foral Community.

Both plants have assured, however, that they will be vigilant that the Department of Health “complies without further delay in time” the commitments adopted. In this sense, he has affirmed that they will not allow “corporatist negotiations that again prevent labor improvements for the entire workforce, as well as “new possible attacks on the public health system.”

For his part, THE A, one of the unions that has been left out of the agreement, described yesterday as “insufficient and vague” the latest proposal from Santos Indurain. In a statement, he assured that it is “obvious that no guarantee is offered for the implementation of the professional career” and denounced that the “rest of the contents are just as vague, or are not even considered, as a general salary increase”.

Source: Eitb

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