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Produces allocates more than S/250 million to mypes and fishermen

Produces allocates more than S/250 million to mypes and fishermen

The Ministry of Production (Produce) presented on Friday the program “With productive punche” aimed at reactivating the mypes manufacturing and aquaculture, as well as formal artisanal fishermen; sectors that were affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and the latest sociopolitical crisis.

The initiative brings together a set of seven measures –complementary to the “Con punche Perú” plan promoted by the Ministry of Economy– and includes an investment of more than S/250 million within a period of between 3 and 6 months. “(With productive punch) it is an urgent reactivating package (…) and what it basically seeks is to energize the economy of the mypes”, he commented to The Republic Javier Dávila Quevedo, Vice Minister of Mype and Industry.

The initiatives framed within this plan will benefit nearly 5,000 micro and small businesses. In addition, they will generate an estimated 200,000 to 250,000 jobs in the short term, Dávila stressed.

The first provisions will come out before the end of this month. “We are already working on the regulatory part to have the resources and implement them as we go along”advanced the vice minister.

Help mypes

The first measure included in “With productive punche” will cost around S/88 million and will include the relaunch and restructuring of the MYPErú Purchases Program. This with the aim of providing a more agile and less bureaucratic model for state purchases.

In parallel to the above, another S/88 million will be allocated to work within the framework of the DU 058-2011, under the executor nucleus model. Both initiatives together will allow “advancing in giving a significant boost so that the mypes begin to produce and supply the public procurement market,” according to Dávila.

In addition, mypes will be promoted to new markets through the approval of goods. This will allow entrepreneurs to market their products with supermarkets, department stores and retail companies in the optimal conditions of prices, quality and competitiveness.

It will also create Registry of National Manufactured Products. In addition, the second stage of the Reactivated MYPEs Co-financing Contest will be implemented for a fund of up to S/35,000 to use as working capital. The bases of this contest would be at most in a month.

Another initiative of the plan is the strengthening of the productive capacities of the mypes so that they can participate adequately in the market. “Here we are going to work both from our national program Tu Empresa, as well as from the CITES to provide technical assistance basically in textile-apparel, leather and footwear at a national level”, explained Dávila.

Bonus for fishermen

On the other hand, as part of “With productive punche”, a bonus of S/500 will also be delivered to more than 40,000 formal artisanal fishermen.

The list of beneficiaries of this subsidy, explained the vice minister, will be prepared based on the fishing permit records managed by the Producesthe data that the regional governments have and the embargo cards of the fishermen.

The process of building the registry, the authorization of the resources, plus the structuring of the payment process would take between 30 or 40 days maximum. “We are working on having the database (…) we hope that no later than February (the bonus) is implemented for formal fishermen”, estimated.

They will expand credits through Fondepes

Loans to formal artisanal fishermen will also be expanded by more than S/17 million through the National Fund for Fisheries Development (Fondepes)which will go from S/12 to S/30 million.

This will make it possible to double the number of them, promoting the reactivation of this sector, with an increase of about 1,500 loans.

In support of the fishing sector, the budget for the “A comer pescado” program will also be increased by more than S/16 million, so that fairs such as “PescaEduca”, “From the net to the table”, “PromPescado” and “Fish in my dining room ” have a national presence. This will allow sellers to place more products.

Infographic: The Republic/H. Torres/ Info: German

Source: Larepublica

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